Qualities to look for in a surgeon for double eyelid surgery in Singapore

Double eyelid surgery corrects eyelid creases makingthem look closely like the accepted and beautiful norm. This procedure createsan additional crease on the upper eyelid in people with a single crease and itis mostly performed on …

Double eyelid surgery corrects eyelid creases makingthem look closely like the accepted and beautiful norm. This procedure createsan additional crease on the upper eyelid in people with a single crease and itis mostly performed on men and women with an Asian descent. Double eyelid surgery is not only used to make one look beautiful but also improves vision whenthe eyelid covers the iris obstructing vision, improves facial harmony and it makes applying makeup easy.

Since the eyes play a vital role in expressing one’semotions and personality, you should carefully choose the surgeon who willperform the procedure. The eyes are unique to each individual and they cannotbe copied from another patient who has undergone a double eyelid surgery. Theyshould be tailored and customized to each patient’s character. A highly skilledand experienced surgeon knows this and will use his aesthetic expertise andsurgical sensibility to determine how best to perform the procedure.

Qualities to look for in a surgeon for double eyelid surgery in Singapore

Board Certification

A surgeon’s board certification is the bestindicator that he or she is trained in the surgical specialty. In Singapore,look for certification by Singapore Medical Council (SMC), the only boardrecognized by the ministry of health in the country to certify doctors andsurgeons in their field of operation.


Experienced plastic surgeons can perform a widerange of plastic surgery regularly. You should be keen to check the experienceof the surgeon in double eyelid surgery. Though surgeons with little or no experiencemy charge lower, do not feel tempted to hire him or her as they lack thenecessary expertise that will help prevent severe complications from developing.

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Facility accreditation

Most cosmetic surgeries can be performed in surgicalcenters, hospitals or an office based surgical facility. The accredited office based facilities have a high safety record compared to hospitals and othersurgical centers. However, most office based facilities are not accredited;therefore, you should ensure you confirm with your surgeon if his facility isaccredited by the Singapore Medical Council. A major advantage of choosing asurgeon who is an SMC member is that they operate in accredited facilities.

Hospital Privileges

Before a surgeon is granted operating privileges ina specific hospital, the hospital committee reviews his competency and trainingin the procedures he performs. Wherever the surgery is performed, ensure thatthe surgeon has operating privileges.

Reliable references

This is the key in helping you know if the previous patients were happy with the surgeon’s work. Select at least fiveprevious patients randomly and ask them about their experience with the surgeonand if they can recommend him or her to you.

However, you should verify the surgeon’sboard certification differently by contacting the board of plastic surgeons in Singapore.


Consultations gives you a perfectopportunity to ask all the questions you may have, discuss the risks of theprocedure as well as the benefits. You should also review your medical history and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure or not. Thisdiscussion helps a surgeon to customize the operation to best meet each patient’sneeds. Check how thorough the surgeon is during the consultation and if he iskeen to find out information about you as well as enquire about your desired results.

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Follow-up Care

A good surgeon does not end his workwith the surgical procedure, he or she will want to continuously check yourprogress until you fully recover as well as confirm if you have achieved thedesired results. Ensure you inquire about the surgeon’s follow up care as wellas policies in case you are dissatisfied with the results and may require a revision.

Reasonable Cost

Lastly, everything always comes downto the cost. The costs of double eyelid surgery vary from one surgeon toanother depending on his or her experience, geographic location and individual patient’sfactors. Also, different patients are treated using different techniques, insome patients there may be a need to remove excess fat in the eyelids whileothers may only require an incision. The length and complexity of the surgeryaffects the cost and depending on the reason for undergoing double eyelidsurgery it may be covered by insurance.