How to Increase Fertility After 40 in Women

Pregnancy is one of the best news in the life of a woman. However, there might be situations when the pregnancy gets delayed and women are not able to conceive at the right age because …

Pregnancy is one of the best news in the life of a woman. However, there might be situations when the pregnancy gets delayed and women are not able to conceive at the right age because of lots of factors.

According to researchers, women are most fertile only in a specific time period after which this starts decreasing and finally leads to menopause and complete non-fertilization. This cycle starts almost in the late thirties for a woman after which it starts getting difficult to get pregnant.

The good news is that there are a lot of ways and methods in which women can get fertile and increase the fertility levels even after the age of 40. This health and relationship guide will help you know about it:-

How to Increase Fertility After 40 in Women

Herbs that Help

One of the best treatments to increase the fertility levels in a woman is to adhere to some beneficial herbs that guarantee good results. The best part about using herbs is their natural nature and the fact that it does not leave behind any side effects. The two best herbal infusions that can be used are nettle and red raspberry leaf which balances the hormonal secretion and make you more fertile. Check with an herbalist for the right dose.

Vitamins for Fertility

For women above the age of 40, the super foods that can be of great help in getting good results in fertility levels are Spirulina which is a blue green algae which has rich amounts of vitamins and minerals. It helps in the regulation of the immune, metabolic, endocrine and nervous systems. The protein content of the food is what helps in fertility enhancement.

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Another of the super foods that can be used is Maca. Along with improving the fertility it has a dual benefit for enhancing the libido as well. It improves the quality of eggs and thus increases the chances of getting pregnant. Any of the two super foods can be included in the daily diet in moderate quantities to get right outcomes.

Keep Away From Stress

One of the major triggers that lead to infertility in women is major stress. The best way to increase fertility after 40 is to remain stress free and look for techniques that help you provide relaxation and calmness to the mind.

Keep Away From Stress

Strike a balance between your house chores as well as your professional work. Yet again, it is a good idea to adhere to deep breathing, yoga, meditation and proper rest and sleep for relieving yourself of stress. Balance the emotional aspect as well.

Healthy Eating

Another of the simple ways to increase fertility even after the age of 40 is to eat healthy and nutrient rich diet everyday. Include good amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats in the diet to get a well balanced weight as well as a proper functioning of the body.

Eating fruits and vegetables, nuts, low fat dairy products and many other options that has good levels of nutrients will improve fertility. Herein, drinking good amounts of water is recommended as well to regulate the glands and help them secrete hormones in the right amount.