6 Best Sore Nipples Treatments

Sore nipples is quite a prevalent problem among women especially those who are pregnant or breastfeeding the baby. Usually, soreness in the nipples are accompanied with pain and sensitivity and a lot of times redness …

Sore nipples is quite a prevalent problem among women especially those who are pregnant or breastfeeding the baby. Usually, soreness in the nipples are accompanied with pain and sensitivity and a lot of times redness as well.

This is one of the issues that in severe cases can also lead to bleeding from the nipples and cracked feeling. However, once you know you are suffering from the crisis, the next is to start researching about the treatments.

For all those who are in the stage of sore nipples can check this health guide below. It has some of the most simple, safe, easy and affordable remedies and treatments that can be followed on a regular basis. With proper daily regimen, you will see visible and positive changes in the nipples.

Treatments For Sore Nipples

Warm Compresses

One of the best treatments that nursing mothers or anyone with sore nipples can adhere to are warm compresses. For the very same, you can soak a wet washcloth in warm water and keep it on both the nipples.

Warm CompressesThis should be repeated for the next 10 minutes or so to get a soothing effect on them. It also gives proper relief to the pain and redness that tags along.

Wet Tea Bags

Warm and wet tea bags are a good remedy for sore nipples. This is one of the problems that breastfeeding mothers go through. This should be placed on them for sometime after nursing.

Wet Tea BagsAlong with gradual treatment of swelling in the area, it also soothes them to a good extent.

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Hydrogel Pad Treatment

A hydrogel pad is a very soothing treatment for quite some nursing women and gives them the best and the easiest cure for soreness in the most sensitive part of their body, nipples.

Hydrogel PadThis will give you the healing solution that you that you need.

Tylenol Or Advil Wonders

For compatible medications with breast feeding for sore nipples, Tylenol or Advil are some of the best choices that you can make. This is a very mild reliever of pain and should be taken 30 minutes prior to breast feeding.

Tylenol or Advil WondersThis should be taken till the time your discomfort reduces considerably. It is always better to consult a professional for the right dose and time tenure.

Breast Milk Remedy

Once you are done with nursing pat dry both the nipples. Next, extract some breast milk and gently rub it on them. The vitamin E content of the liquid will help in the treatment of soreness.

Breast Milk RemedyThis helps the skin to heal as well. However, do not apply vitamin E oil available in the capsules as this can be dangerous for the baby who breast feed through your nipples.

Do Not Use Harsh Soaps

While taking a bath, make sure you do not use any harsh soaps or lotions of the nipples directly. This can actually worsen the situation to a great extent.

Do Not Use Harsh SoapsDryness caused by these soaps can actually make it sore further. It might also lead to infections. This is one treatment that will also help you as a preventive measure.